39.32% of Maidstone households are 3-bedroom homes. Is that enough?
By Lee Churchyard39.32% of Maidstone households are 3-bedroom homes. Is that enough? As an estate and letting agent with a keen eye on local Maidstone property trends, it becomes imperative to delve into the nuanced landscape of property types,...
Maidstone Buy-to-Let Landlords Owed £1,226,624 in Unpaid Rent
By Alex KnightThere is no getting away from the fact that the rise in the number of buy-to-let properties in Maidstone has been nothing short of astonishing over the last twenty years. As a result, many in the press have said Britain is a...
Maidstone Buy-to-Let Property Market Going into Crisis?
By Alex Knight… as Maidstone first-time buyers now only need a 5% deposit for a mortgage. Maidstone landlords, sell your property portfolios, your tenants will soon be leaving in droves as they buy their first home with the new 5% deposit...